Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Officially unemployed

I feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life.  After almost 23 years, I've parted ways with my employers.  It was a little sad but at the same time a huge relief.  Things at the office have been heading in a direction I'm not entirely comfortable with and I've felt little satisfaction in my job for some time.  Definitely time to move on.

We had morning tea together and I received a lovely card from everyone plus a couple of well chosen gifts.  One of the girls even drew me a little picture.  It's not a terribly good photo of it (taken on my phone) but it seems we've cruised from Oz to the UK on our narrowboat!   I might have to laminate this and take it with us when we go.   It will remind me of my workmates - I know I'll miss them terribly.

And doesn't the new kettle look lovely on our stove.

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