A couple more cruising miles statistics.
Epiphany - Cruised 3,480 miles (2,348 locks, 1,930 hours) over 44 months - 80 miles per month cruised.
Derek Bird - 7,500 engine hours over 4 years - 150 engine hours per month (no record of miles cruised) but Derek says they run the engine a few hours a day if they're not cruising.
And... finally.... Sue from nb No Problem better close her eyes....
Over 7 years they've cruised approximately 5,600 miles - an average of 67 miles per month.
I've been home sick for a week with nothing better to do and a couple of hours in front of the tv is all it took! There was a few odd missing stats but near enough. Sue, if you didn't close your eyes when I warned you, and you'd like to have these results by year, let me know and I'll email to you!
How's the house sale going?
I am amazed that you did that, I was only joking you know!
But I hope that the task took your mind off your cold and that you are now feeling much better.
Thankyou so much, it is very interesting indeed and yes of course I would be very interested in how many each year.. are we getting lazy now?
You are a star for sure!
This comment might post as Anon, I have awful trouble trying to post comments on Blogspot for some reason.
Sue NP
Sue, once an accountant always an accountant! It's the attraction of all those numbers. :)
I typed them into an excel spreadsheet so I can email that to you. I don't think I have an email address for you so if you email me at my gmail account I can reply to you. It's ellyandmick
You'll be able to continue on with it then, I've done my bit!
Actually I quite enjoyed the little trip down memory lane. I read your blog right from the very beginning when I first discovered it late 2007 so it was nice to see some of the adventures again. I didn't read it this time but some of the photos or the odd comment jumped out. Like the lady who left you a comment saying she thought you keeping the blog was a total waste of time. What?! There was a gorgeous photo of Meg when you first got her and another of your two dogs and the choc and black lab peering at you through the galley window. Reminded me all over again how much I enjoy reading blogs!!
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