Sunday 22 April 2012

The agony of waiting

We can't think of much else at the moment except whether we'll have a buyer soon. We have had two very interested parties in the house over the last two weeks but no offer.  The waiting is wearing us down!

Meanwhile we have other positive things happening.  We borrowed the money necessary to finish the other house so it can be rented out.  The carpet goes in on Friday and the other remaining jobs are in progress.  We had a knock on the door by our neighbour the other day - she thinks she may have found us a tenant!  That would be a real bonus.  She said she'd send the people up to see us so we can show them the house.  They've just sold theirs and want to rent for a couple of years.  Once their 3 day cooling off period expires they'll start looking for somewhere to live.  That means this week.

Another bonus is that the neighbour over the road with the barking dogs moved out on the weekend.  We're so glad.

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