Tuesday 8 February 2011

Daily in OZ

I've decided I'm going to start a second little blog to record what it's like each day at home.
Some days I stand outside and listen to the cicadas and think how much I'd miss that Summer sound.
But then..... with our recent wild weather I think I won't miss it!

One day when we're in the UK on our narrowboat and complaining about the English Winter I'll be able to look back at that day in OZ and maybe the Winter won't seem so bad. :)

I'll try and include a photo whenever I can as I've had a couple of requests for photos from Australia.
I've added a page at the top of this blog or here is a link :

Daily in OZ


Peter Berry said...

It is strange how the grass always seems greener on the other side. After our recent visit to Australia, now we are back home, I long to return, thinking of the beautiful sunshine and blue skies, (most of the time)! The apparent laid back lifestyle, I could go on. All we ever seem to have here is rain rain rain and gridlocked roads. Having said that, there is nothing finer in this world than meandering on a narrowboat through rural England during the summer. With luck, the weather will be warm, and the evenings bring the smell of fresh mown hay, the air filled with the smell of farming, and the sound of birdsong. When looked at objectively, any part of the world is beautiful in its own right, and it is the lucky ones who are able to sample and enjoy for themselves, and then return to what they initially believed was the plain reality of normal life.

Elly and Mick said...

Peter, well said!
We love our lifestyle and where we live - especially since we've moved out of the city. A couple of people have said to me that there's no reason for us not to buy a house in the UK and live there instead. But... there are things I'm not so keen on over there and one of them is the traffic. We most certainly do consider ourselves extremely lucky to be in a position to be able to experience a different way of life. Narrowboating is idyllic and we can't wait to enjoy the lifestyle for ourselves, but I'm sure we'll return to what we think is the best place in the world to live.