Friday 6 June 2014

Homeward bound

There was a bit of frantic last minute packing this morning.  It didn't quite all fit in the suitcases so there was some extra for the charity bin.  Our phones began pinging with text messages and emails from well wishers.  

We stopped on the way to Brinklow to top up the petrol in the hire car one last time and arrived at the boat before 11am.  How strange it felt to knock on our own front door!

Tore and Kirsten had found their way about the boat late last night.  We went around the boat answering questions and showing them how things work again.    We had a last lunch with them at a pub in Brinklow.  The time passed quickly and before we knew it we needed to head off.  We had a couple of errands and wanted to arrive at the airport before the end of the working day when the traffic increases.  

We were among the first to check in our luggage, which involved a little juggling of the contents of our hand luggage as we had returned the bathroom scales to the boat yesterday and one bag was too heavy.  Once we had left our luggage we stopped and re-arranged it all back how we had it!  

Now we have a couple of hours to relax in an airport lounge until it's boarding time for our flight.  It's so much nicer to be away from the noisy terminal while we wait.  Thanks Lynne for the suggestion!

So Parisien Star is with her new owners.  The next time we see Tore and Kirsten will be when the visit Australia.  They have to now!  We hope you enjoy your first few days aboard and the Summer cruise in a few weeks time.  

We did take a couple of photos today but they're on my camera and this is an iPad blog entry.  They will have to wait until we are home now.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent well wishing messages.  I haven't had time to reply but appreciate every single one.  I will post an update once we work out some Internet access at home.

The end of a grand adventure!


Paul and El said...

Safe trip guys, I am dreading the time when we have to return down under, but we will one day, probably at the end of this year. If we take the motorhome back we will swing down your way for a visit.
Safe Travels
P and E xxx

NB Lady Esther said...

Best Wishes to you both lovely to meet you and what memories to take back to Australia xEnjoy your new house when back home

Linda Gifford-Hull said...

I have so enjoyed reading your blog and will miss it greatly. Through you we have met Ray and Diane plus Dot and Gordon who have now become firm friends, Sadly we never came across Parisien Star but I still feel you are like old friends!! Enjoy your new life back in Oz and I hope you will keep up with a blog of some sorts.

Linda Gifford-Hull
Nb Mary H

Ian Ashton said...

Bon Voyage Ellie and Mick. I've really enjoyed following your blog over the past 18 months. Ellie - your really are the most conscientious blogger I've come across. I'm full of admiration for the way you've kept it going reporting everything no matter how trivial. Not to mention the photographs. You certainly give your cameras a good workout. I know we've never met but I'm sure lots of people now think of you as an old friend as you've put so much of yourself into the writing.
I'm really going to miss my nightly fix. Hope to read about your next adventure soon.
Have a good journey home and best wishes from Leeds.
Ian [ nb Kaysera ]

Catherine H said...

I too have been reading your blog since before you left Aus, and have really enjoyed your entries. It was great having lots of photos. Also having the blog made into a book sounds like a great idea, somehow getting the photos printed and doing it yourself may never happen. It must also be satisfying that your hopes and dreams for the trip have all turned out, but now there is a new/different dream to follow.

Ade said...

I can't sum it up any better than Ashton Jones above trying to keep my own blog and appalling at it I'm full of admiration of you.
Wow Elly just wow I'll look forward to the rest and future updates


Elly and Mick said...

Ade, it was a big commitment to sit down pretty much every day and write about what went on that day. Sorting the photos was an even bigger job but I knew if I didn't do so regularly it would become such a big chore I'd never get to it and would forget what I'd taken photos of! I'm so glad now that I spent the time to write daily..... but how could I not when we were there living our dream and wanted to remember every single day. At least now we can do that. It's such a lovely reminder.
I'm definitely not so dedicated now but we had to get back to our regular life and that's pretty boring a lot of the time. :)