Sunday 19 August 2012

30 days and 30 nights

A busy 10 days for us besides our usual working week ....

On the Friday before I forgot to bring my groceries home from the office fridge where I'd left them.  With visitors coming on Sunday I needed the food I'd bought!  Saturday morning my mum came to have coffee and got roped into a trip to the office to collect the groceries.  We had a nice drive with her griping all the way because I wouldn't stop and let her pinch daffodils from the side of the road!

Sunday we had our dear friends Kevin and Bernice over for an early dinner.  We cooked a lamb roast in the Weber.  The morning was spent on the arduous task of labeling the 75 boxes I've itemised so far.  I got maybe half way through.

I had my last 4-10 sewing group on Thursday night.  I'll miss those evenings when we're away!  It was an enjoyable time as usual but this time with pink champagne, lots of narrowboat talk and parting gifts of fabric for my hexagon star quilt.  Thanks girls!

It was my last week of my normal work hours as I'm cutting back one day a week for the last month to give me some extra time to get things done.  I now have only 8 working days at one job and 3 at the other.  We've been working on the setup for me to work from the boat.  It may be a little trial and error to get the system right but I'm sure it will all work out fine.

This Saturday was a trip to Melbourne to visit my stepmum who has been overseas (5 hours of driving to get there and back).  Mick also got to meet Edie, my new niece, for the first time.  The drive down to Melbourne was a bit of a milestone.  On the road, using my wireless internet, we made the final payment on the narrowboat we've bought.  We had to wait until after 9am so a new day had started in the UK and we could make the payment.  The boat was officially ours!

Today, after a Sunday sleep in, I had a lovely visit from three of the girls from the office where I used to work.  We had lunch at a nearby cafe and a great catch up.  I've missed working with them.  Mick joined us for lunch and then went off to do some catching up of his own. 

Mick is coming to Melbourne for 3 days this week to work a few days on his old work partners' new house.  That will be a shock to his system - he isn't used to city traffic any more.  He will stay with me at my brother and sister in law's house.  I had to laugh... I'm used to sleeping at their place now.  The bedside lamp is on the side of their spare bed where Mick would usually sleep.  The first few weeks I stayed there for my one night a week I didn't sleep so well on the "wrong" side of the bed.  I'm used to it now and that bedroom is almost as familiar as my own.  As we drove home from Melbourne on Saturday we were talking about the few days in Melbourne and I told Mick he'd have to sleep on the opposite side of the bed to usual.  I'm not swapping sides in that bed now!  He looked at me in absolute horror.  "I can't do that!  It would be like asking me to go to the toilet and use the wrong hand to wipe my backside!"  He's full of class!

1. Edie - 7 weeks and the image of her brother at the same age.
2. The posh table at sewing
3. The rest of us at sewing

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