Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Boaters tea party

There was a boaters gathering for Australia Day today. Diane and I put up the Aussie flags and everyone brought along appropriate goodies.... Anzac biscuits.... cheese and vegemite sandwiches.... lamingtons.... and Roly brought a cake with kangaroos on it!

We were all thinking of Elaine having her surgery today and it sounds like it has gone well.

Earlier in the day I got some work done and some more cupboard sorting. Our boat must surely be getting higher in the water and I suspect nb Winton's Folly will be a bit lower.  There's quite a few things being handed across.

1. Leanne's Aussie flag on the cedar hut (photo:Paul)
2. Cheers! (photo:Paul)
3. Sue (nb Festina Lente), Carol (nb Winton's Folly), Bev (nb Klara), Ray (nb Ferndale), Lyn (nb Valentine)
4. The cake
5. Andy (nb Festina Lente)
6. Gil (nb Shoehorn), Barb (nb Colombo II), Roly (nb Klara), Sue (nb Festina Lente and looking rather guilty?)
7. Aussie contingent cutting the cake


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