Thursday, 30 January 2014

His and Hers jobs

We are at our friend, Lynne's, place for a few days. Both of us have jobs to do.

This morning Mick got up early, ready to get started on the deck he and Lynne are building in her back yard. I got a bit of a sleep in...... now that's a change...... it's usually me up early to work while he sleeps on.  I walked the couple of miles into town this morning for a few bits and pieces. Most important was Vegemite that isn't stocked at Morrisons in Stone.  I almost got caught in the rain walking back carrying the shopping.  I was hoping that by the time I got back our packing boxes might have arrived and they had.

I spent the afternoon with Lynne's curious cats wrapping things in bubble wrap and carefully packing them in boxes. When I looked at all the piles of stuff around the boat I thought we would need three boxes but so far it is looking like everything will fit into two of them.  We have had great service from Anglo Pacific so far. I'm hoping the rest of the process goes as smoothly.

By the end of the day the deck's near on finished!  


Paul and El said...

Nice job on the deck.

Elly and Mick said...

He did a great job. There was even time to make a pair of doors for her BBQ cupboard! E