Thursday, 24 April 2014

Retail heaven

Fazeley Junction to Alvecote : 4 miles, 2 locks
To date : 1231 miles, 861 locks

Our overnight mooring last night was a good stretch of armco with nobody there but us.  We heard some youngsters making a racket out on the towpath just before dark.  They were right by the boat and it wasn't until morning that we noticed they lifted our fender at the bow.  In fact, I noticed it when I went out in the morning light to take these photos!

I don't know why it is but whenever we are moored within cooee of a retail park we seem to blow our budget for the week!  Nothing new this time either.  M&S easy meals don't help the situation but it's such a treat.  We weren't too bad compared to prior splurges.  After all, whatever we buy now has to fit in our suitcases and there isn't going to be room to spare. 

From where we were moored, there was a track down beside the road bridge and through a field alongside the busy road.  Aside from the noise you could be out in the countryside.  At the end of the field you're shocked back into reality - straight onto the roadside of the underpass and retail heaven.  The first photo below is taken from the side of a very busy road and our boat is moored just beyond the little clearing at top right of the photo.

Having made an early morning of it we were back on deck at 10.30am so decided to head on instead of staying another night like we first planned.  It's been a nice mild day and more importantly it's been rain free. 

I like canal junctions and Fazeley is no exception.  The bird paintings are new since we were last here.

There was a queue of boats at Glascote Locks and we enjoyed the camaraderie and chatting with the boaters in the queue.  It was so mild I was out working locks in a t-shirt but the folk on the boat in front wore coats and hats.  

We stopped for the day opposite Alvecote Marina.  We had a boat to look at for the Aussie folk.  What a prime example this one was of the photos not living up to the reality.  I've never been on a boat so bad!  The smell of cigarette smoke was overpowering and when we got home we rushed in to wash our hands.  This one can be crossed off their list.

Mick went off for a walk this afternoon and came rushing back to tell me to come out with the camera.  It was Robert and Jayne, the lovely couple who came out to view Parisien Star at Marple a month ago.  They were cruising by on their new acquisition nb Pem No 6 with Bella the labrador sitting in the bow with Robert.  Wow, what a high tiller! It was great to see you all looking so happy.  We loved the "L" plates.... we had them too when we started out.

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